Divorce & The Decision to Live Life by Design with Hellen Barbara
Apr 13, 2021
In this episode, you'll learn:
- the story of one woman's pursuit of freedom and how it led her to live the life of her dreams
- Many want "success" but often aren't willing to put in the work required to get it.
- How struggles in her youth humbled her and allowed for an amplified appreciation of the simpler things
- How to find happiness (especially when you have no choice)
- What it was like growing up with parents who were Italian immigrants (while also not being the coolest girl on the block)
- The power in finding your tribe (and how sometimes that process takes a lifetime)
- That it's okay to evolve and love more than one person in your life
- Advice on making hard decisions
- What it's like to feel like you're always serving everyone
- A story of love and divorce (sometimes love doesn't leave, but it changes!)
- Navigating relationships after shifts/loss
- What it's like being with a woman for the first time
- Strategies on dodging labels and judgments
- Why you must maintain your identity as a mother (and suggestions for those suffering from empty-nest syndrome!)
- It's not selfish to do what's best for YOU!
- How love is about more than sex, it's about CONNECTION and being on the same wavelength.
- A bit about life behind the lens and how she infuses storytelling into her photography
- Why you should eliminate triggers that stand in your way of achieving euphoria
- How to trust your intuition (instead of putting your blind faith in anyone else)
- Hellen's journey with natural healing and alternative medicine
- Why you should use your own body to tell how to react/deal with your circumstances.
- Her mantra "everything in moderation."
Are you interested in learning more about our guest, Hellen Barbara?
Photography Instagram: @hbphotographs
Personal Instagram: @hspessotbarbara
Website: hellenbarbaraphotography.com
For more insight and inspiration on becoming radically fulfilled, follow me @stormybarbara on Instagram and be sure to check out www.stormybarbara.com